Tuesday, June 29, 2010

My EBook Reader

I love books. At one point I had a library of probably 200 or more books, some hardcovers, but also lots of paperbacks. Then one day I realized that they were taking up space, and as much as I loved them I would never reread all of them. Slowly but surely I've been giving them away via BookMooch. Of course, I get some books from there myself, but I usually give them back to someone else when I'm done reading them.

So, I'm left with a few books that I don't care that much about, I will probably end up donating them. I still have some really nice Hardcover books, that there is no way I'm going to part with because I reread them frequently or have notes in them. I've cleared up a lot of space, but I still want to read current books when they come out.

I debated about whether I wanted to purchase an EBook reader. I knew people who had Kindles and Nooks, but I thought that ebooks would never replace the "real thing" for me. How could a screen replace paper? Then I saw a Sony Ebook Reader on Woot! for $100 so I decided to give it a try. I was tired of waiting to buy books used when they were cheap.

When I first got it, I hated it. I downloaded some public domain books to try it out, and really thought that I was going to end up putting it on Ebay to try and make my money back. A couple days before I left on vacation, I purchased an ebook from the Sony Store for the trip. I figured it would at least save me some room in my Carry-on bag and I could sell it when I got back. So I started reading the book a couple days before we left, finished it on our trip, and downloaded the next two in the series. I was hooked on the series, and on the reader. It really does read like paper. I bought a cover with a built in light so I can read in bed without annoying my wife.

What it comes down to, is the ideas contained in the book. The physical medium makes no difference, it's really all just ones and zeros in my head anyway. When Stieg Larsson describes a scene where his protagonist is being shot at in the Swedish forest, it doesn't matter if I'm holding something made out of woodpulp or printed circuits, I'm still spellbound. Hopefully my public library will improve their selection of ebooks so I can borrow some too.

I'm not knocking printed books, or people that prefer them over an ebook, but I understand ebook readers now. I will probably still buy used books if that is the most cost effective way to get to read them, but I have another option now, and for new books the price is right in ebook format.

NEVER giving up my comic book collection though. I don't care how good they may look on a screen.

Monday, June 21, 2010

10 Things I Learned on my Vacation

Cocoa Beans in the Husk
10 You don't need to take a deep breath when going under water with a snorkel. If you do, someone will see you doing it, and mock you.
9 After an incredible day, even a simple meal served in a road side shack, after a long wait still tastes delicious, if surrounded by friends and good conversation.
8 Cocoa Beans do not look like, or taste anything like, you would think. They are goo covered, and taste more like Lemony Sweet Tarts.
7 Even if your room has one, there is probably no need to setup your mosquito net. I only saw one mosquito the whole time I was there. Setting up the net is way too time consuming, and there are better ways to spend your time.
6 You may think it's a "girlie drink" but mixing rum with any fruit juice is really, really good.
5 If four people share a small rental vehicle for a week in the tropics, and plan on doing any snorkeling, that rental car is going to develop a stink. A foul, foul stink. Sorry Wanda.
4 If you are getting a torrential downpour, don't wait 30 minutes to shut your storm shutters, or you will end up with an inch of water on your bedroom floor.
Linton, our guide for the Brandy Falls hike.
3 If you have to shut your storm shutters in the middle of the night, during a torrential downpour, don't wear your last pair of clean and dry underpants. You're much better off doing it Au Naturel.
2 Don't go to the most highly recommended restaurant until the end of the week, or you will miss out on a lot of other great experiences.
1 HIRE THE GUIDE! You REALLY have no idea where you are going.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010


o today I went hiking. It wasn't just any hike. At least half of it was spent searching for footholds on steep hills. It was 45 minutes to reach our destination. An incredible waterfall called Brandy Falls.
It's not something that I ever thought I would be able to do. My calves and thighs hurt right now, and no matter how good Keen's are, there are still some small blisters on my feet. Soaking in the pool at the bottom of the falls, totally made the adventuresome hike worth it.

There was also a very friendly crab hanging out half way up the waterfall. One of his not so friendly brothers bit my foot as I was walking around in the water. Luckily it left me with only a small blood blister and nothing more.

It was a very good day.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Super Mario Galaxy 2 - Review

Let me get this out of the way. I LOVED Super Mario Galaxy. I thought it was an all around great game. Great play control, great visuals, amazing soundtrack, and the second player co-op was great for my five year-old (four when we started it). We had so much fun. We still play it occasionally, revisiting levels that we enjoyed. I sort of thought that the sequel would just be more of the same, but pre-ordered it anyway because I thought it would be fun for he and I to play some new levels.

I was really wrong.

Galaxy 2 is not just more of the same. It adds more suits to Mario's wardrobe, including the cloud suit, which I've only used on one level so far, but really adds a new dimension to navigating around the map. The second player can do MORE. They can once again hold back moving objects helping Mario move through the area unimpeded, they can break apart crystals containing the much coveted "star bits"and they can even grab an enemy incapacitating it. Mario still has to deliver the knock out punch, but the feeling of involvement of that second player is so much more. Of course they can still collect star bits, something that my son does with great joy, but now they can also grab hard to reach coins. That is REALLY helpful.

All I really need to say for any die hard Mario Fan was one word. "Yoshi"

Check out this Trailer

If you like platformers, you need this game.