I was buckling Piper into her car seat yesterday, just like I do every weekday morning, and I set my travel mug filled with delicious piping hot coffee on the roof of my car. Once I got her all buckled in, I jumped in the car and drove off. I made it to the intersection of Landis Valley Road and Oregon Pike when I tried to take my first sip of the coffee I had so carefully prepared, when I realized it wasn't in my cup holder.
After cursing my stupidity quietly, since my innocent baby girl was in the back seat, I decided to jump out of my car just to see how it spilled. To my surprise, it was still sitting on the roof of my car!
So I had traveled almost a mile with it on my roof, and it didn't spill a drop! The early morning frost had frozen it securely to the roof of my car, and that's the luckiest I've ever been.
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