Wednesday, January 25, 2012

My "New" PS3

A work friend had to replace his PS3. It was having the Yellow Light of Death issue that apparently becomes pretty common once these console's reach a certain age. He tried to take it apart and perform a fix he found on line but when that didn't work he just bought one of the new PS3 slim. So he asked me if I wanted it to mess around with. I figured what the heck, so I took it off his hands.

Once I got it home and opened the sucker up I realized how over my head I was! The previous owner had taken apart the heatsink and applied new thermal grease. The only other thing that I was comfortable with trying was replacing the power supply. So I bought one on EBay for $30. That didn't work so I returned it for a refund.

At this point I had decided to just put the thing on EBay for parts, and split the proceeds with the person I bought it from. Just for the heck of it, I did a search online for PS3 repair centers. I came across Professional Satellite Repair. They offer a free diagnostic, so I figured for the price of shipping, they could tell me whether or not it was worth repairing.

After shipping it out, I got a call the NEXT DAY (they are located in Pennsylvania) that it could be repaired for the flat fee of $119. I gave the OK. Then they called me the NEXT DAY and told me it was done. I gave them my billing info.  I paid on Friday, I got the console back the following Monday.

That level of service is impressive. Turn around time ship it, have it repaired, and get it back was less than 5 business days! Now they are located in the same state as me, so that would certainly vary if you live farther away. Honestly, I have so many ways to play games, I really wasn't in a hurry. I'm probably only going to use it mostly to play Blu-ray DVD's and stream Netflix. Still, I was very impressed.

Professional Satellite Repair...Two Thumbs UP!

Now if I could just find the time to play!

1 comment:

  1. That was fun while it lasted. The PS3 died last week. 101 days into a 90 day warranty. The company that repaired it, no longer repairs PS3's.

    It was fun while it lasted!
