Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Sometimes I Forget I Even Have A Blog

Wow. Over a year since my last post.

I guess that Facebook and Google+ sort of took over for me when it comes to sharing.

I'm not sure if that is a good thing. So many of my posts on both of those sites are so short, that sometimes I think that my ability to share ideas in a longer format have suffered. It's not my attention span, I can still read a book for hours and maintain the thread of the story, but I'm pretty sure my written communication has suffered.
Besides this post, the longest thing I have written in quite some time, has been a work email, or some technical directions for something. That is communicating, but I'm not sure it's really expressing any original ideas. Writing down step-by-step directions for making a peanut butter and jelly sandwich is not really saying anything original.

Verbally, I think I can communicate ok, but even then it feels like I have a hard time getting my ideas out sometimes.

I'm just saying that I don't think that there is any substitution for actually putting your thoughts in writing.

On a side note, I REALLY like the new Blogger templates, and the customization you can do.

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