Friday, October 30, 2009
The Internet at 40
The internet turned 40 on October 29th. It evolved from the ARPANET, which probably resembled todays internet about as much as an old 78 record resembles a Blu-ray DVD. Still Happy Birthday Internet!
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
this dude makes $20k from something that doesn't cost him a dime
Sometimes I read something that just amazes me. For 80+ years this family has been hauling mud for Major League Baseball teams to "rough up" their glossy balls.
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Live Action Video Games Off Broadway
Considering how popular geek culture, and recreating video games in real life is; I'm not surprised to see something like this on Broadway. All you have to do is a quick search on you tube and you can find hundreds of videos of people recreating Super Mario Bros. Not to mention all of the Left 4 Dead stuff.
I don't really think it's going to take off until it's presented in a way that it's accessible to people outside of the video game sub culture. For instance, there is no way I would be able to drag my wife to this. I might get away with "Spamalot" but not this.
I don't really think it's going to take off until it's presented in a way that it's accessible to people outside of the video game sub culture. For instance, there is no way I would be able to drag my wife to this. I might get away with "Spamalot" but not this.
Monday, October 26, 2009
The windmills of my mind
Today is one of those days that can best be summed up with this video from the Muppet Show.
They were Expendable

click here for more images
I don't feel too bad for stormtroopers. They may have been nameless clones, but they new what they were getting themselves into.
Friday, October 23, 2009
I think they might have taken the Vampire trend too far
In the pantheon of disturbing things this has to go at the top of the list. At what point does a woman decide the following:
- I love Vampires...ALOT
- I love the environment, I will reuse my feminine hygiene products
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Stupid Sales Reps
The original is still the best, but all of these are quite entertaining.
I really wish that I had the spare time to mess around more with video! I can't even find the time to edit my kids videos.
Maybe Shakira?
I really hope that this story is false. If I was ever being interrogated and they started playing something by Shakira, or T-pain, I'd confess to pretty much anything. It really would be cruel and inhumane treatment!
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Saturday Night Live - Beauty and the Beast
I thought this was funny, but the rest of the episode was, as usual, only somewhat funny. I wish that show could get consistent.
Watched Porky's last night on "Movie Classics" last night. There are some really funny scene's in that movie. One of my favorites is the "Why do they call you Lassie" scene. I never realized it, but that's a young Kim Cattrall. Good stuff!
Monday, October 19, 2009
Van Halen - Guitar Hero for Wii review.
I have spent some time playing this game now. I purchased Guitar Hero 5 and they threw in Guitar Hero Van Halen, if you completed an online form, and mailed in a certificate with proof of purchase. Knowing what I do now, that little amount of work almost makes it not worth it. Almost.
The game uses the old Guitar Hero interface. If you haven't played GH5 yet, one of the biggest improvements in the game is in the interface. The graphics look a little better too. Not in the Van Halen add on! Luckily it was free.
I was a big Van Halen fan in high school, had every album, up until OU812, and don't get me wrong it's fun to play along with the songs I sort of grew up with, but it's only the current lineup of Van Halen. David Lee Roth, Eddie and Alex Van Halen, and Wolfgang Van Halen. WOLFGANG VAN HALEN. That's Eddie's son. His avatar in the game looks awkward, and uncomfortable. I hadn't heard, but apparently Michael Anthony has been touring with Sammy Hagar, and "Wah my vagina hurts" wasn't included in the making of the game. Without him playing that silly Jack Daniels guitar and jumping around the stage like a 20 year old, the ACTUAL 20 YEAR OLD sucks. He sort of sways from side to side, like he's at his first Cure concert. AWFUL. Plus they must have had to cut Anthony's vocals from the older tracks. That high pitched harmonizing he used to do...gone.
Anyway, I'm sure Wolfgang Van Halen is incredibly talented, but it's a shame they couldn't have included Michael Anthony. I can easily live without Sammy Hagar, Gary Cherone, Mitch Malloy(?), and whoever else filled in for David Lee Roth and his ego.
Of course maybe Activision realizes that it didn't have a winner with this game and that's why they were giving it away.
Getting to play some Van Halen Songs, is worth it, but overall...Meh.
By the way, Michael Anthony, seems like he may be "the nice one".
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Creepy Ads
Huffington Post has a great...hmmm..."post" about the 10 unintentionally creepiest ads of all time.
Movie Ending Reality - Forgetting Sarah Marshall
This is going to be a new feature on this site. Some movies end with a brief text description of what happens to the characters in the movie as their life continues past the movie. Like Animal House. If you were writing that for a movie, how would you write it?
Todays choice: Forgetting Sarah Marshall
Thursday, October 8, 2009
I'm not sure why it would occur to anyone to try blackmailing someone. They always seem to get caught! At least when the victim is famous...hmmmm...maybe the trick is to blackmail people that aren't famous. Of course regular people don't have that much money. I wonder if I could blackmail lunch money out of one of my coworkers for not revealing the photos I have of him in drag.
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Advise or Help?
According to the definition of "Advise" is "To give Advice to". The definition of "help" is "Action given to provide assistance". In the course of my day I get multiple emails ending in "Please Advise". For instance, "I am having problems changing my password. Please advise." Advice? Really? Is that what you want, ok. My advice to you is to turn off your computer, put it back in the box and take it back to wherever you bought it, because you don't know how to type a semicolon. Yeah, that was a real issue that I was asked to "please advise" on.
You need "HELP", not advice. Is it ego? Are people afraid of looking stupid? I deal mostly with sales reps all day, I know that confidence is all they have sometimes, but I don't take my car to the garage and ask for advice. I need HELP.
Early in my career I was told, "Speak to Express, not Impress". This was meant to limit the amount of technical jargon used in day to day conversation with customers. It was drilled into our heads, as being courteous, and efficient. I wish all people would concentrate on communicating and not on whether or not they seem impressive doing it.
I'm thinking of consciously breaking these rules as revenge.
You need "HELP", not advice. Is it ego? Are people afraid of looking stupid? I deal mostly with sales reps all day, I know that confidence is all they have sometimes, but I don't take my car to the garage and ask for advice. I need HELP.
Early in my career I was told, "Speak to Express, not Impress". This was meant to limit the amount of technical jargon used in day to day conversation with customers. It was drilled into our heads, as being courteous, and efficient. I wish all people would concentrate on communicating and not on whether or not they seem impressive doing it.
I'm thinking of consciously breaking these rules as revenge.
Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Of course they've also shown up in films.
Here's a good game to waste some time with too!
Monday, October 5, 2009
Thursday, October 1, 2009
Now THAT's a Jawa Tattoo!
I haven't been able to get my wife to agree to get this Jawa tattoo. I see no problem with it.
Click on the image for Full Size
The Original Must See TV?
I fondly remember watching this show on Thursdays. I'm pretty sure it was part of the original "Must See TV" Lineup. I think "Night Court" was on after "Cheers". Good times.
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